SCION MAGAZINE - Issue 7 (Japan Issue)
scion magazine - issue 7
Table of Contents
Tetsuya Tada
Inspiration in creating the 86/FR-S
86 life
decotora 1
decotora 2
SCION MAGAZINE - Issue 7 (Japan Issue)
SCION MAGAZINE - Issue 7 (Japan Issue)

48 page magazine, 10.25" x 14.5" and printed on a matte recycled stock. All art direction, illustrations and designs by Shingo Shimizu (unless stated otherwise). Editor-in-Chief: Lisa Marie Chen.

Cover illustration by Shingo Shimizu. Original photo by Kevin King Uy.

scion magazine - issue 7
scion magazine - issue 7
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Tetsuya Tada
Tetsuya Tada

Chief Engineer of the 86/FR-S

Inspiration in creating the 86/FR-S
Inspiration in creating the 86/FR-S

Design by Olivia Truong and Shingo Shimizu

86 life
86 life

Illustration by Shingo Shimizu

decotora 1
decotora 1

Illustration by Shingo Shimizu
Photo by Masaru Tatsuki

decotora 2
decotora 2

Photos (L) by Masaru Tatsuki
Photos (R) by Bowls Films