
Lots of New Works! by Shingo Shimizu

More new works updated in my portfolio:

1) Completed paper doll illustrations for Antipasto magazine.

Vector illustrations of a women with mix and match fashion items.


2) Illustrations for Scion magazine issue 3

Vector illustration for Scion gear ad, badge designs (or icon illustrations) for "the Good, the Bad, & the Frosty" sports article, pencil crayon animal heads for "Winter Wild" fashion spread, and infographics for "Tap the Sap" article on maple syrup.

a few more to come soon!




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Interview by Hermann & Audrey by Shingo Shimizu

Photography by Jalani MorganPhotographers much like Illustrators, make people look much better than they do. I don't think I'm photogenic. To be honest, I'm pretty squeamish when having my photo taken on a set. But I have a lot of respect for photographers. Unlike, us illustrators who may need a couple days to capture a moment, they do it almost instantly. They also have to be able to direct people, so their subject feel comfortable in front of the camera. Pretty cool. Oh and they can make a raccoon look human.

I rolled onto the set that day, pulling an all-nighter, because of some crazy deadlines. Despite the sleepy raccoon situation, my mood was happy because of the great company on set: Kimberley Yun, Willie Tsang and of course Jalani Morgan.

I had the opportunity to meet the talented photographer from the Hermann & Audrey collective, and kept in touch ever since. Thank you for the interview Jalani!

Read the interview


Published in Idea magazine. by Shingo Shimizu

The good folks at Idea Design magazine (Taiwan) have published me in their latest Illustration special issue (Oct/Nov). There are 11 works from the last few years featured. Not only that I'm on the front and back cover. Goes to show that working on a series, does pays off rather than one-offs. Oh, and if anyone happens to read what it says in Mandarin Chinese, please let me know!