
Interview by Hermann & Audrey by Shingo Shimizu

Photography by Jalani MorganPhotographers much like Illustrators, make people look much better than they do. I don't think I'm photogenic. To be honest, I'm pretty squeamish when having my photo taken on a set. But I have a lot of respect for photographers. Unlike, us illustrators who may need a couple days to capture a moment, they do it almost instantly. They also have to be able to direct people, so their subject feel comfortable in front of the camera. Pretty cool. Oh and they can make a raccoon look human.

I rolled onto the set that day, pulling an all-nighter, because of some crazy deadlines. Despite the sleepy raccoon situation, my mood was happy because of the great company on set: Kimberley Yun, Willie Tsang and of course Jalani Morgan.

I had the opportunity to meet the talented photographer from the Hermann & Audrey collective, and kept in touch ever since. Thank you for the interview Jalani!

Read the interview


The Behance Network by Shingo Shimizu

For those who don't know. The Behance Network is an amazing source of creative inspiration. There are countless designers' and artists' work that I must own one day. Lots of great work. More importantly it allows creative people from around the globe to network with each other. It's just fantastic when you are having your morning coffee, and reading an email from Argentina for example, about how they love your work. If you're in the industry and are freelancing or have a small shop, I totally recommend you signing up!

More importantly, I am honored to be featured on the main page! 

Check it here!

AMODA: Digital Showcase by Shingo Shimizu

AMODA features a bi-monthly series of events which features live electronic music and visual art

The Digital Showcase is a bi-monthly series of events featuring live electronic music and visual art. The showcases are held at various locations around Austin, including theater spaces, art galleries, bars, and nightclubs.

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Vektorika #11 by Shingo Shimizu

This is great magazine on vector art called 'Vektorika', by Godot. Honored to be featured in their 11th issue: 'SEX VEKTOR ROCK N' ROLL' THE BEST ISSUE. Also they are calling for submissions for their 12th issue. Theme is: 'Black & White'. I'll give it a go! (once I have some time).